Sunday, July 26, 2020

ARTIST STATEMENT    07/25/2020
     In the daily process of painting, there is the interaction of idea, the picture plane and myself. These three elements often resist each other, always searching for comfort and resolve.
    To inspire original visual compositions, I imagine different scenes. Contained within these small vignettes will be discrete instants of compelling pictorial interest. In archetypal fashion, these moments arrest motifs of the psyche, and  forge a personality upon the picture plane that can have meaning for the viewer.
The Wanderers No. 7,
The Announcer
Ink on Board
14 x 18 in., 2020

The Wanderers, No. 6,
Remembering Bob R.
Acrylic, Gouache, Ink
on Board
14 x 18 in., 2020

The Wanderers, No. 5,
Remembering John Lennon
Collage, Ink, Acrylic
on Board
14 x 18 in., 2020

The Wanderers, No. 4,
Say Goodbye to the Night
Oil, Acrylic, Ink, Soluvar,
On Board
14 x 18 in., 2020

The Wanderers No. 3,
The Messenger
Acrylic, Gouache, and Soluvar
On Board
14 x 18 in., 2020

The Wanderers No. 2,  
White Hearts
Acrylic, Gouache, Soluvar
on Board
14 x 18 in. 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Wanderers, No. 1,
The Escape
Acrylic, Gouache, Soluvar
14 x 18 in., 2020